Newest Stardex device Master Ultima – multi-functional single-channel simulator for a complete test and calibration of Common Rail and UIS/PLD systems: Bosch, Delphi, Denso, Siemens, Cummins, Caterpillar, Detroit, etc… Master Ultima can test any systems – electromagnetic and piezo, with single and two-valve/actuator. Thousands of test-plans of Common Rail injectors and pumps and EUI/UIS/PLD injectors. The device has unlimited possibilities for creating the high-precise signal. It can produce up to four different voltages up to 400 Volts (both positive and negative), and up to three levels of current during one impulse. Stardex Ultima devices can high-precisely generate any original signal of any manufacturer of modern Common Rail, UIS and HEUI systems.
The device checks injectors one by one for the test, using 3 independent pressure regulator channels. Bosch coil, Denso and C2I Delphi injectors coding. The electronic digital measuring unit, which automatically measures the delivery and back flow of injectors and pumps, is integrated in this device. |
Ultima device automatically measures the resistance and capacitance of piezo injectors, and the resistance and inductivity of coil injectors. |